Our President
President Pastor Dr. Yonas Badi, a native of Ethiopia, came to America at the leading of the Lord to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Senior Pastor of Mercy Life Ministries, President Badi sought the approval from the State Board and established Mercy Life University, where everyone could come to learn of purpose, calling and the great commission! Offering classes such as Christian Counseling, Pastoral Studies, Theology, Missionary Studies and many more; Mercy Life is accredited by the American Accrediting Association of Theological Institutes of Rocky Mount, North Carolina.
Our staff is not only dedicated to providing you with the best education, but are also handpicked to cover your educational needs from your Associates to your Doctoral Degree.
Dr. Lila Tilawen
Instructor/Board Member
Dr. Kako Covington
Dean of Students/Instructor
K'Lah Ledbetter
Admissions Advisor
Dr. Zerihun Legessee
Board Member
Dr. Tim Worthy
Instructor/ Board Member
Pamela Daggett
Chief Financial Officer